Cusu's Art Exhibit

Semestral Exam Poject!

This drawing was a semestral exam project, in which we needed to follow some schemes to turn it in. The interesting part of this project was that we were free to do all that we want; this means we all follow the same instructions but end with a totally different project. We practiced what we had learned of figures and shading in different ways. For this project I used color pencils to make shadings in some figures, a black marker to trace the border of the shapes or the lines and markers to make one-color shapes.

It was an easy project hat did not brought any difficulties more than the different types of gradiation. A strength that I had was on making the lines (which was the easy part) and the figures; you did not needed to be an artist to do that. It was also easy colouring the parts with only one color because you do not needed to do that much. A weakness of mine was in elaborating some figures with the different types of gradiation we have learned. My performance was good in anyway because I put effort into it.