Cusu's Art Exhibit

Face Proportion

This Face Proportion project was ment to make us learn about the proportions we can find in the human face. Certainly we draw half of our faces to see how can we apply all that we learned. The goal of this project was to put in practice of all face proportion. I made my half-portrait by cutting one of my pictures in half; in the way I only needed to make the other half by following the picture. I used pencil to draw my face half, and I made the shadows using an especial artifact called blending sticks to smooth my drawing.

I felt extremely comfortable when doing this project because it was not so difficult. When I started doing the project it was hard for me to get into the painting of it with shadows, but little by little I could learn how to do it well. A great weakness I had in the project was of not using the pencil well and because of that I made the drawn part not so dark. This error of making the face too light make it look totally unprofessional and not as good. Another weakness was not making the hair correctly and this caused not to fit with the other part of the hair. I tried to make it darker but it was not possible. If the picture was lighter I could have done well because the pencil I used was not too dark. Although I had many weaknesses a had a great performance and learned for future projects.